Rwanda Decides: PSD holds rallies in Kicukiro, Kayonza, Ruhango, Nyaruguru and Rutsiro
Sunday, June 30, 2024
PSD Secretary-General Jean-Chrysostome Ngabitsinze and PSD first vice-president Valens Muhakwaduring the campaign in Musanze on Saturday, June 29. Emmanuel Ntirenganya

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is holding campaign rallies in Kicukiro, Kayonza, Ruhango, Nyaruguru, and Rutsiro, on Sunday, June 30, as it seeks to garner votes for its parliamentary candidates in the July 2024 elections, according to the party's campaign team.

On Saturday, June 29, the party held campaign activities in Rubavu, Nyanza, Nyagatare, and Musanze districts.

To carry out several rallies in various districts on the same day, PSD formed teams of its representatives to lead relevant campaign activities.

ALSO READ: PSD pushes for tax exemption for people earning Rwf100,000 a month

The party launched its campaign in Bugesera District on June 22, and it is expected to conclude it on July 13, at an area called Tapis Rouge, in Nyamirambo Sector of Nyarugenge District, Kigali.

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) members in Nyaruguru on Sunday, June 30,

In its manifesto, PSD has pledged to advocate for lowering value-added tax (VAT) to 14 per cent from the current 18 per cent, a move it stated would increase people’s purchasing power, lower the cost of living, and stimulate economic growth through increased consumer spending.

Other promises include lobbying for income tax exemption for any person who earns up to Rwf100,000 per month from the current Rwf60,000 per month, and pushing for cutting of interest rates charged on agriculture loans to 10 per cent.

Interest rates on bank loans vary, but the report of the National Bank of Rwanda (NBR) – the financial sector regulator – for the fiscal year 2022/2023 shows that it averaged 16.31 per cent in that year under review.

According to the National Electoral Commission (NEC), 589 candidates are vying for the 80 parliamentary seats in the Chamber of Deputies.

PSD fielded 59 candidates for parliamentary elections, representing slightly over 17 per cent of 345 candidates who are contesting for 53 seats reserved for contenders from political organisations and independent candidates – there is only one independent candidate, called Janvier Nsengiyumva, for this year’s elections.

The remaining 27 seats in the lower house are reserved for special interest groups; women (with 24 seats), youth (two), and people with disabilities (one) – all the three categories have 243 candidates in total.

While on its campaign trail, PSD is also appealing to the electorate to re-elect incumbent President Paul Kagame in the July 2024 elections. Kagame is the flag-bearer of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF Inkotanyi), which is the ruling party