Huye farmers seek support to boost avocado production as PL campaigns in region
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Liberal Party members during the campaign in Huye Southern Provinceon Friday, June 28. Michel Nkurunziza

Farmers in Huye District on June 28 told Liberal Party (PL parliamentary aspirants that once they all get good seed varieties to grow, the district could become a major avocado exporter.

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Liberal Party members on Friday afternoon joined residents from Huye, Nyaruguru, Nyamagabe and Gisagara at a playground in Huye as the party started its campaign to Southern Province. The party which has 54 parliamentary aspirants is also backing RPF-Inkotanyi&039;s candidate, Paul Kagame, in the presidential race.

Increasing agriculture productivity, agro-processing factories, and exports, among others, are among PL's five year-manifesto elements. Huye residents said there is need for investing in growing and processing avocadoes, a crop they regard as having the potential to transform lives.

"We grow avocadoes and supply markets including in Kigali. We need support to increase production and export to the international market. This will boost women's development given that most of our women grow and sell fruits including avocado as a business ," said Valerie Musabyimana, a resident of Huye District who attended the PL campaign.

ALSO READ: Inside Rwanda’s plan to make avocado a major export crop

Over a decade ago, avocado was regarded as a crop for rural people in Rwanda, with many people showing no interest in growing it for commercial purposes, according to the National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB).

Claude Nduwumwe, another resident of Huye District who grows avocado, said there is need for increasing productive avocado varieties to double production.

"Avocado varieties called Hass are in high demand. If all farmers receive such varieties, our district could become a hub of avocado exports as production increases," he said.

He said that getting a sustainable market for avocado could help them not sell their produce at giveaway prices.

"There is a time when we sell one avocado at below Rwf100. A good market and adding value to avocado could eliminate giveaway prices," he added.

Eric Mutuyeyezu, a resident from Gisagara District, reiterated that good avocado varieties needed to be scaled up considering that they are on high demand in their district.

ALSO READ: Young entrepreneur finds a niche in avocado products

A single hectare of avocado trees can yield up to 20 tonnes per year if good varieties are grown according to farmers.

"Traditional varieties are no longer productive," he said.

Over the past decade, Rwanda has witnessed a remarkable surge in avocado exports, experiencing a substantial revenue growth from $440,000 to $6.3 million, annually. NAEB projects to reach 16,000 tonnes, per year, by 2030, which could generate about $40 million, considering investments being put into the sector.

Adrie Umuhire, the Secretary General of Liberal Party promised that the party will continue to advocate for support to agriculture development if its members are voted into parliament.

"We need modern agriculture to lift residents out of poverty. That is why in Nyamagabe District, farmers are currently growing Irish Potatoes supplying markets such as Kigali," she noted.

The PL campaign will move to Kamonyi, Muhanga, Ruhango and Nyanza Districts, on Saturday, June 29.