Gicumbi: Nsengiyumva promises to increase agriculture productivity
Friday, June 28, 2024

Independent parliamentary candidate Janvier Nsengiyumva has pledged to champion, through lawmaking duties, efforts that will help scale up agricultural production in Gicumbi District, if elected.

He took his campaign to the district on Friday, June 28, after Nyabihu and Ngororero districts which, according to him, almost have the same challenges when it comes to agricultural productivity.

"This is an agricultural region. When elected during the parliamentary elections, I will advocate for this area to have vocational schools that teach agriculture courses to increase more specialized people in this sector,” Nsengiyumva told voters in Gicumbi District.

ALSO READ: Independent parliamentary aspirant Nsengiyumva pledges to cut taxes

Nsengiyumva whose education background is in IT said he also wants to help see to it that Ngororero and Nyabihu districts gets small scale factories to improve the value chain of their agricultural yield.

His campaign activities will continue on Saturday in Bugesera District, in Eastern Province, and Kicukiro District, and in Rubavu on Sunday, June 30.