PHOTOS: Kagame: Youth hold double responsibility of building, protecting Rwanda
Friday, June 28, 2024
RPF Inkotanyi flag bearer Paul Kagame addresses thousands of residents during the electoral campaign at Rusizi stadium on Friday, June 28. All photos by Olivier Mugwiza

Paul Kagame, the presidential candidate of the RPF-led collation, on June 28, told Rusizi residents that the country’s young people have a double responsibility of building the country – basing on the foundation of what has been achieved so far – as well as protecting it.

ALSO READ: Kagame to Nyamagabe residents: Choose security, unity, development

At Rusizi Stadium, thousands of residents in Rusizi District and neighbouring areas of Nyamasheke District cheerfully danced to different electoral campaign songs. Kagame was welcomed by Abasaamyi dance troop from Nkombo island.

RPF Inkotanyi members in Rusizi who turned up to welcome the party's flag bearer Paul Kagame in Rusizi on Friday, June 28

In the presidential and parliamentary elections set for July 14-15, Kagame is competing with former lawmaker Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, and Philippe Mpayimana, an independent candidate.

ALSO READ: Rwandan youth give hope, Kagame tells voters in Huye

In his address, the incumbent President said that Rwanda has come from far following the devastating 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, but the RPF brought unity among all Rwandans and all political parties.

But there is still so much more to be achieved ahead, he acknowledged, noting that the country is relying on the youth’s efforts in the journey of development.

Paul Kagame, the presidential candidate of the RPF-led collation during the campaign in Rusizi on June 28. Photos by Olivier Mugwiza
Women welcoming President Paul Kagame during the campaign in Rusizi District on Friday

Thanks to the RPF’s visionary leadership and security that has empowered the people, Ndamwemera and some partners built a school that now educates 250 students in the district. Ndamwemera now exports coffee to France, Italy, and UK.

His coffee won second place in an international competition, he said.

Under the RPF manifesto for the five-year presidential term, Rusizi District is among the three districts that will receive three ports on Lake Kivu in addition to Karongi and Rutsiro districts. Once completed, Rusizi Port is expected to accommodate 2.3 million passengers and handle 1.3 million tons of cargo, annually.

Other area development targets include construction and rehabilitation of 1, 091-kilometer roads and 1,626-kilometer feeder roads across the country, advance technology adoption, especially enhancing the use of Artificial Intelligence.

The ruling party also aims to continue positioning Rwanda as an investment destination and financial hub, increase tourism revenue to $1.1 billion in 2029 from $620 million in 2024, spur mineral revenue growth to $1.8 billion in 2029 from $1.1 billion in 2023, as well as improve green financing.

Residents in Rusizi District and neighbouring Nyamasheke District areas welcome the RPF presidential candidate, Paul Kagame by dancing to different electoral campaign songs.
RPF flag bearer addresses Rusizi residents during the campaign