Rwanda shall remain unbowed. Thank you Mr. President

Editor, It was with a huge amount of pride as a Rwandan that I saw H.E Paul Kagame on the BBC program ‘Hard Talk”.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It was with a huge amount of pride as a Rwandan that I saw H.E Paul Kagame on the BBC program ‘Hard Talk”.

Although the host of the program, Stephen Sackur, attempted to unfairly put our president on the spot, unfairly, for Laurent Nkunda and for other issues that the western media has used to bludgeon our nation, H.E proved to be more than a match for Mr. Sackur.

Personally, I find it a waste of time for H.E to even bother with such interviews. The questions that Mr. Sackur asked were those that have been asked time and time again. Despite our answers, Rwanda is still challenged by fellows who choose to ignore the facts.

The part I loved about the entire interview was when the President put the interviewer and the west in their place. He made it categorically clear that Rwanda will not be dictated to by westerners and our policies will be governed by our own needs and priorities. Not anyone else’s.
