The joy in service: Empowering communities
Thursday, June 27, 2024
MTN Rwanda’s Chief Executive Officer Mapula Bodibe with students as MTN staff installed solar panels at GS Agateko. Craish Bahizi.

We all know the saying that goes, "It’s better to give than to receive.” This principle has guided my journey, shaping both my personal and professional life. Growing up, I witnessed the profound impact that acts of kindness and community support can have on individuals and society as a whole. These experiences instilled in me an inexplicable joy—the kind of joy that comes from bringing value to others.

Every year, I get to bask in that joy through Y’ello Care. For the past 17 years, it has been ingrained in us that when June is approaching, we are about to either get our hands dirty painting a school, mounting solar panels, or whipping out our best teaching skills to train grassroots entrepreneurs with digital skills that propel their businesses. This period is always a time of gratitude for me. I’m truly grateful to play my role in uplifting these communities.

MTN Rwanda’s Chief Executive Officer Mapula Bodibe with students as MTN staff installed solar panels at GS Agateko.

At this year’s 30 Days of Y’ello Care, themed "Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow,” one of the projects we undertook was at Groupe Scolaire Bukure to construct a new kitchen for the school from scratch. Groups of MTNers (that’s what we call ourselves) travelled up to Gicumbi for two weeks, laying brick by brick to provide these students with a kitchen that could accommodate their nutritional needs. On this particular day, after working with the team in constructing the kitchen and feeding the students their lunch, I was walking with a colleague to greet the other students when a little girl named Jennifer ran up to me and hugged me. Though there was a language barrier, her embrace communicated volumes. I immediately felt a surge of joy—that inexplicable joy I told you all about.

This spirit of giving and community support extends beyond Rwanda. Across MTN Group’s footprint, other MTN operations also carry out Y’ello Care initiatives in their respective countries. Each operation tailors its projects to meet local needs, whether it’s improving educational facilities, supporting healthcare initiatives, or empowering local entrepreneurs. We have learned that true success is measured not only by financial performance but also by the positive impact we have on those around us. This approach has not only strengthened our ties with the community but has also enhanced our ability to achieve sustainable growth and development.

MTN Rwanda staff in partnership with Bboxx Rwanda, installed solar panels and television screens at Groupe Scolaire Agateko in Jali Sector, Gasabo District on June 13. Courtesy
MTN staff during a visit at Groupe Scolaire Agateko in Jali Sector, Gasabo District on June 13. Craish Bahizi.

Y’ello Care extends beyond immediate support to fostering long-term partnerships with local organisations and government bodies. By collaborating with these stakeholders, we ensure that our initiatives align with national development goals and create a more significant and sustainable impact.

As we conclude 30 Days of Y’ello Care, we continue to prioritise the well-being of the communities we serve. Annually, MTN Rwanda commits 1% of profit after tax to empower and give back to communities, with a specific focus on education, community health, economic empowerment, and government priorities. Through these initiatives, MTN Rwanda is able to have a positive impact on the quality of life in our communities by "Doing for Tomorrow, Today”.

MTN Rwanda encourages other organisations and individuals to join us in this commitment to giving back. Let’s work together to build a brighter future for all.

The writer is MTN Rwanda’s Chief Executive Officer.