Too much bureauracy in NUR

Editor, I am a student at the National University in Butare and I will graduate next week. My gripe with the university is the amount of time that is needed to clear up all the administrative procedures needed before graduation.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am a student at the National University in Butare and I will graduate next week. My gripe with the university is the amount of time that is needed to clear up all the administrative procedures needed before graduation.

A student is forced to go from office to office, looking for a measly stamp and signature, which would be easy; however, it isn’t as easy as it seems because getting the said people in their office is a hit and miss experience.

I, for example, had to wait for the EPLM librarian to come back to her office for almost an hour. She had, as I found out later, gone to the market.

At 10 am to make matters worse. And then she had the guts to complain about my rudeness when I took her to task about her absconding.

Please, try to streamline the process, so that students don’t have to take forever just to finish procedures. Some of us have jobs in Kigali, and other towns, and its unfair for our employers to have to continuously grant us days of leave just to get a few signatures. Thank you.

Name withheld on request