PHOTOS: Kagame in Huye as Habineza goes to Nyanza and Mpayimana woos Ngororero voters
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Thousands of residents of Huye District wait for Paul Kagame, the presidential candidate of the RPF-Inkontanyi, who will resume his trail after a break on Wednesday. RPF photos

Presidential and parliamentary candidates head to different parts of the country on Thursday, June 27, the sixth day of the campaign season, as they continue to canvass support ahead of the July elections.

Thousands of residents of Huye District in Southern Province woke up early to go to the campaign site where incumbent Paul Kagame, the presidential candidate of the RPF-Inkontanyi, resumes his campaign trail after a break on Wednesday.

ALSO READ: On the campaign trail: Kagame takes the capital by storm as Habineza heads to Kirehe...and more!

Kagame, whose rallies usually attract hundreds of thousands of supporters, has so far addressed rallies in Musanze, Rubavu, Ngororero, Muhanga and Nyarugenge.

He is seeking re-election in the July 15 polls, where he will face two opponents, Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, and Phillipe Mpayimana, an independent candidate.

ALSO READ: A look at Rwanda’s three presidential candidates

Democratic Green Party flag-bearer Frank Habineza speaks to residents of Nyanza District on Thursday, June 27. Courtesy (1)

Meanwhile, on Thursday, Habineza also headed to Southern Province, with a stop in Nyanza District. On Wednesday, he addressed residents of Nyagatare and Gatsibo. Habineza has also campaigned in Gasabo, Kamonyi and Kirehe.

After campaigning in Musanze and Burera districts on Wednesday, Mpayimana went to Ngororero on Thursday. Mpayimana’s campaign trail has already covered Kirehe, Ngoma, Kayonza, Nyagatare and Gatsibo districts.

ALSO READ: Hundreds of candidates hit campaign trail as Rwanda gears up for general elections

For parliamentary candidates, on Thursday, Green Party also took its campaign to Nyanza.

Nyanza District residents welcome Green Party flag bearer Frank Habineza on Thursday (1)

The sole independent parliamentary candidate Janvier Nsengiyumva took his campaign to Ngororero and Nyabihu districts on Thursday, after he had campaigned in Musanze on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, a group of female candidates who are seeking to represent women in the Chamber of Deputies will Thursday campaign in Kicukiro. A total of 24 women representatives will be picked by an electoral college in each of the five constituencies (City of Kigali and all the four provinces), while two youth MPs and another representing persons with disabilities will be elected by an electoral college constituted at the national level.

Presidential candidate Philippe Mpayimana (C) addresses residents during his campaign in Burera District on Wednesday, June 26. Courtesy (1)

The Ideal Democratic Party (PDI), which campaigned in Rwamagana District, and RPF-Inkotanyi, which campaigned in Kirehe District along with its allies, took a break on Thursday. PDI has 55 candidates for Members of Parliament, while RPF-Inkotanyi and allies have 80 candidates.

The Social Democratic Party (PSD), which has 59 parliamentary candidates, and Liberal Party (PL), which has 54 candidates also took a break from the campaign trail on Thursday.

PS-Imberakuri also took a break on Thursday after campaigning in Rubavu District on Wednesday.

Democratic Green Party flag-bearer Frank Habineza
Democratic Green Party flag-bearer Frank Habineza
Nyanza District residents welcome Green Party flag bearer Frank Habineza on Thursday (1)