On the campaign trail: Kagame takes the capital by storm as Habineza heads to Kirehe...and more!
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Thousands of Kigalians welcome Kagame to Rugarama campaign site in Nyarugenge District on Tuesday, June 25.

Tuesday, June 25, was Day Four of the campaigns for the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.

Candidates continued to mobilise their supporters and new voters.

Incumbent President Paul Kagame returned to the capital Kigali after holding four rallies in three days in northern and western districts, his campaign rallies drawing large crowds in a party-like atmosphere.

After touring in Musanze, Rubavu, Ngororero and Muhanga districts in the first three days of his campaign, on Tuesday, Paul Kagame, the presidential candidate of the RDF-Inkotanyi and its allied parties, headed to Nyarugenge District, where he addressed up to 300,000 supporters from Kigali.

ALSO READ: Rwanda elections: Kagame wishes challengers well, says work results shall tell difference

His challenger, Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, went to Kirehe District in Eastern Province, after campaigning in Gasabo, Kamonyi and Ngoma districts in the first three days of his campaign.

Philippe Mpayimana, the sole independent presidential candidate, did not campaign on Tuesday. Instead, he held a press briefing on his plans and manifesto.

After campaigning in Kirehe, Ngoma, Kayonza, Nyagatare and Gatsibo districts over the last few days, Mpayimana was expected to return to the campaign trail on Wednesday with a trip to Burera District.

ALSO READ: A look at Rwanda’s three presidential candidates

As for the campaigns for the parliamentary candidates, Liberal Party (PL) went to Ngoma, Kirehe and Kayonza districts in Eastern Province. PL, with 54 parliamentary candidates, endorsed Kagame’s candidacy for president.

Elsewhere, RPF-Inkotanyi and allied parties took their campaign for 80 parliamentary candidates to Kayonza District, on Tuesday, with Green Party holding a rally for its 50 parliamentary candidates in Kirehe District.

Meanwhile, 60 women parliamentary candidates, who are vying for a share of the 24 seats reserved for women representatives in the Chamber of Deputies, hit the campaign trail in Nyaruguru District.

The sole independent parliamentary candidate, Janvier Nsengiyumva, also campaigned in Nyaruguru on Tuesday.

Incumbent President Paul Kagame, the flagbearer of RPF-Inkotanyi, waves to a sea of party faithful at Rugarama campaign rally in Nyarugenge on Tuesday, June 25. Olivier Mugwiza
Kagame, who has touted his track record as president on the campaign trail, smiles at the Rugarama rally on Tuesday, June 25. Olivier Mugwiza
A drone carries the RPF flag over Rugarama campaign site in Nyarugenge during RPF-Inkotanyi's first rally in Kigali on Tuesday, June 25.
Hundreds of RPF-Inkotanyi supporters at Rugarama campaign site in Nyarugenge on Tuesday, June 25.
Hundreds of thousands of RPF supporters attended the rally in Nyarugenge.
Democratic Green Party of Rwanda flagbearer Frank Habineza addresses residents in Kirehe on Tuesday.
Green Party also held the campaign for its 50 candidates for parliament in Kirehe District.
Members of RPF-Inkotanyi during the campaign trail in Kayonza District on Tuesday, June 25. Dan Gatsinzi
A crowd of more than 40,000 residents welcomed RPF officials in Eastern Province on Tuesday, June 25.
A billboard of incumbent President Paul Kagame.
Over 40,000 residents gathered at an RPF-Inkotanyi rally in Kayonza on Tuesday, June 25.
PL members took campaig rallies for its 54 parliamentary candidates to Ngoma, Kirehe, and Kayonza districts.
PL supporters at a campaign rally in Eastern Province early this week.
The sole independent parliamentary candidate, Janvier Nsengiyumva, campaigned in Nyaruguru District on Tuesday.
Nyaruguru residents listen to the only independent parliamentary candidate, Janvier Nsengiyumva, as he campaigned in the district on Tuesday.
Some of the women parliamentary candidates who campaigned in Nyaruguru on Tuesday. Photo/RBA.
Nearly 200 candidates are vying to join the Lower House as women representatives, with 24 seats specially reserved for women up for grabs. Photo/RBA.
Some of the women parliamentary aspirants during the rally in Nyaruguru District on Day I of campaigs for candidates seeking a share of the 24 exclusive women seats in the 80-member Chamber of Deputies. Photo/RBA.