Gahaya Links right on rural women

Editor, I must admit that I am happy to learn that rural women are going to be given special consideration, as far as in women’s emancipation is concerned.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I must admit that I am happy to learn that rural women are going to be given special consideration, as far as in women’s emancipation is concerned.

Rural women are vulnerable; which is why, I am fully convinced that they must be given priority, when it comes to emancipation.

By the way, emancipating a rural woman is tantamount to developing the whole society, since it is her, who actually handles every activity in rural areas.

Therefore, Gahaya Links are in the right direction with their vision, of developing the welfare of the rural woman in the country.

The fact that they are set to reduce illiteracy rates and offer rural women soft loans, is certainly a positive move  in as far as development is concerned.
