A new dawn for civic engagement
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
RPF Inkotanyi youth boosting a morale during the campaign in Nyagatare on Monday,June 25. Photo by DAN GATSINZI

I bumped into my friend at a recent campaign rally, and it got me thinking about the upcoming 2024 elections and the message our leaders should be focusing on during these early stages of campaigning. My friend, who recently became a Rwandan citizen, shared an inspiring story that reflects the essence of civic participation in Rwanda.

At 40 years, she is gearing up to cast her first vote ever. I was intrigued and asked, "why the first time? You turned 40 this year, right?" She explained that previous political climates didn't motivate her to vote. However, after becoming a Rwandan citizen, she was inspired by the country's progress and the direct impact of governance on everyday life.

Rwanda's impressive infrastructure development, improved healthcare accessibility, and quality education for her children played a pivotal role in her decision. In her words, "I have been blessed with Rwanda, and I want the same or even better for my kids."

Her excitement about voting for the first time not only helped me overcome writer's block but also sparked a sense of celebration among our circle of friends. We've pledged to accompany her to the polling station to mark this significant milestone together.

Imagine the future of my friend’s children. These children will navigate a world where their voices matter, where their votes shape policies, and where they can dream boldly and achieve remarkably. In this Rwanda, the next generation will not only inherit progress but will be empowered to elevate it, ensuring a prosperous future for all.

My friend's citizenship journey is just one part of Rwanda's evolving narrative; the youth of Rwanda are also actively shaping its future. Unlike previous generations, today's young Rwandans have grown up amid stability and progress. Our aspirations go beyond traditional concerns, encompassing modern necessities like widespread internet access, advanced TVET schools, and other opportunities for economic and social empowerment. This shift in priorities underscores the dynamic nature of civic requirements and the crucial role of responsive governance.

To us, the youth of Rwanda: The approaching election offers a unique chance for us to voice our opinions and steer our nation's course. We should engage actively in the electoral process by familiarizing ourselves with the candidates' manifestos, attending campaign rallies, and, most importantly, casting our votes on the 14th and 15th of July 2024. Our participation isn't just a civic right; it's a powerful tool for shaping Rwanda's trajectory and ensuring that the dreams of all its citizens, young and old alike, are realized.

As we near the 2024 elections, it's also imperative for leaders to acknowledge and address the diverse needs of Rwanda's population. While my friend's story showcases the optimism and engagement of new citizens, it's equally vital to amplify the voices of young Rwandans, who comprise the majority of first-time voters in this election. Leaders must prioritize issues such as quality education, technology access, and employment opportunities to foster inclusive growth and development that benefits all sections of society.

In the fabric of Rwanda's unfolding narrative, each strand embodies a distinct perspective and aspiration. Whether it's the journey of new citizens embracing their rights or the demands of young Rwandans, our collective vision converges on unity, expansive thinking, and unwavering accountability. Together, we pave the path to a brighter tomorrow for all Rwandans. Tuzarwubaka Abana b’Abanyarwanda!

The author is a communication professional.