Rwandan peacekeepers build guesthouse in CAR
Sunday, August 23, 2020
An RDF officer hands over the guest house to local authorities.

Rwandan peacekeepers Battle Group II (RWA BGII) deployed under the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) in collaboration with MINUSCA officials inaugurated and handed over a new building to serve as a guest house in Bria town, Haute Kotto Prefecture. According to a statement from Rwanda Defence Force, the facility comprises of four sleeping rooms, sitting room and bathroom are fully furnished.

The whole project is valued to $40,767.   In his remarks during the handover, the Prefet of Haute Kotto, Evariste Thierry thanked Rwandan Peacekeepers for implementing the project.  "I am so grateful for this facility that Rwandan peacekeepers have handed over today. It is a sign of fraternity; the building will serve to accommodate the high authorities who will visit our prefecture,” he said. Rwanda Battle Group Commanding Officer Lt Col Leodomir Uwizeyimana said that the project was intended to improve the capacity of hosting the temporary visitors of the prefecture.

The construction project is part of Quick Impact Projects to support the community and was initiated and implemented by Rwanda peacekeepers with full support from MINUSCA, he noted.

Rwanda has maintained peacekeepers in CAR since 2014 and besides the military, the country maintains a police contingent in the central African state.