PHOTOS: Thousands descend on Kayonza for RPF campaign rally
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Members of RPF-Inkotanyi during the campaign trail in Kayonza District on Tuesday, June 25. All photos by Dan Gatsinzi

After a stop in Nyagatare District, parliamentary hopefuls of the ruling RPF-Inkotanyi and its allied parties took their campaign trail to Kayonza District where a crowd of more than 40,000 residents welcomed them on Tuesday, June 25.

In Kayonza, the RPF rally was hosted in Rwinkavu sector, a campaign site massively adorned with RPF party colors and placards labeled "Ni wowe” to loosely mean ‘you are the one.’

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The RPF and its allied parties fronted 80 candidates for the next legislature including 38 women and 42 men. However, only three out of the 80 candidates are from Kayonza. They include former lawmaker Odette Uwamariya, Doreen Kalimba Basine, and James Kanamugire.

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Uwamariya rallied thousands of Kayonza residents to vote for RPF and its coalition in the upcoming parliamentary elections so that the party can continue working to develop the area and the entire country. She said Kayonza has experienced different milestones in the past seven years, courtesy of the RPF leadership.

Over 40,000 residents gather for RPF Inkotanyi campaign in Kayonza on Tuesday, June 25.

For instance, Uwamariya pointed out, Kayonza is now an emerging hub of tourism having added nine hospitality establishments (hotels) in the past seven years.

"We want to thank Kayonza residents for the big turnout this morning. From the large numbers, we can see that you are ready to vote for the RPF and its coalition,” she said.

Other notable achievements, according to Uwamariya, include 1,028 classrooms which were constructed to reduce crowding in schools and long distances by children in the area, a 76.4-kilometer road network that includes the popular Kabarondo to Akagera through Rwinkwavu road.

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Also constructed is a Genocide memorial site in Mukaranga village to honor victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Party members also pledged to construct valley dams and irrigation schemes in Karambi, Kageyo, and Ndero with a capacity of irrigating more than 3,000 hectares.

"We are counting on your trust and votes,” Uwamariya reiterated, adding; "We also urge you to vote for RPF flagbearer and Chairman Paul Kagame for President because he is the champion of unity and development of our country.”

"More than ready”

The majority of the cheerful voters at the campaign site pledged their votes to RPF, citing the endorsement for developing Kayonza District by building its roads, preparing its marshlands for agriculture, and connecting its residents to water and electricity.

Agnes Kabanyana, 35, a "staunch supporter” of the party said she was more than ready to cast her vote in favor of the RPF.

She said that the ruling party has been key in restoring her family’s dignity in the past 30 years.

"I owe everything to RPF. It is because of RPF that I have a home, a cow, milk for my children, and most importantly, a country in which I call home.”

Alex Nkurunziza, 43, a resident of Kayonza, described RPF as "a light in the dark.”

"As long as I am still alive, RPF will be my choice,” he said.

"The party has not just guided me, but also the entire population to light when we were in the dark. Everyone has a chance today, no one is isolated and for that, I am more than ready to cast my vote for RPF.”

Rwandans will go to the polls from July 14-15 to pick the next Head of State and members of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house. It will be the first time the country holds presidential and parliamentary elections at the same time, following the revision of the constitution to allow for synchronized elections.

Incumbent President Paul Kagame is the RPF flagbearer for the presidential ticket.

Kagame has two opponents; lawmaker Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party, and independent candidate Philip Mpayimana.

Parliamentary hopefuls of the ruling RPF-Inkotanyi during the campaign trail in Kayonza District on Tuesday, June 25.