Zambia’s vice president tests positive for Covid-19
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Zambia’s vice president Inonge Mutukwa on Wednesday tested positive for the coronavirus, the presidency said in a statement, which also said her condition was stable and she was in self-isolation at home.

"The vice president has some mild symptoms that are being managed appropriately … She is in high spirits and working virtually …” the statement said.

This comes at a time when Zambia’s confirmed Covid-19 cases on Wednesday surpassed the 10,000-mark, signifying the continued surge in cases.

Zambian President Edgar Lungu said his vice could have contracted the virus from her daughter who had earlier been positively diagnosed.

"I have wished Her Honour the Republican Vice President Mrs Inonge Mutukwa Wina a quick recovery after she tested positive for #Covid_19 following a positive result of her daughter with whom she stays with,” Lungu said in a tweet.

According to figures released by the health ministry, the country recorded 237 new cases in the last 24 hours, bringing the cumulative cases to 10,218.

In May, Zambia announced that the health minister Chitalu Chilufya had tested positive for the virus, but he has since recovered.

Two months later, 15 Zambian lawmakers tested positive for Covid-19.