Eastern Province: Habineza promises to remove pre- trial detention
Monday, June 24, 2024
Frank Habineza, presented the Green party's agenda to the crowd, and pledged to remove the 30-day pre-trial detention if elected president

Frank Habineza, the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR) flag bearer has pledged to remove the 30-day pre-trial detention if elected president. The 47-year-old who is running for presidency for the second time said this during campaign rallies in Ngoma and Kayonza Districts in the Eastern Province on Monday, June 24.

Habineza emphasized that this measure aims to ensure individuals are not unjustly held in custody before being proven guilty, and the move will reduce congestion in prisons.

While campaigning in Kayonza, Habineza outlined significant reforms he plans to advocate for in the justice sector. Among them is eliminating the 30-day pre-trial detention period, citing its resultant prolonged incarceration without trial.

"Prisons are congested because of the prolonged pre-trial detention. If you vote for the Green Party, we will work towards reducing this backlog and ensuring that individuals are not held in prison for extended periods without a fair trial," Habineza said.

By implementing alternative sentencing options and promoting restorative justice practices, we can address the root causes of crime and help individuals successfully reintegrate into society."

Habineza proposed implementing alternative sentencing options, such as community service and rehabilitation programs for non-violent offenders or fines for minor crimes instead of incarceration and urged voters to support his party’s mission.

Frank Habineza pictured campaigning in Kabarondo on June 24

In the health sector, Habineza also reiterated the Green Party's commitment to enhancing the welfare of the people, with a special emphasis on primary health care (Poste de Santé).

He claimed that even those with Mituelle de Santé insurance should access medicines at all private pharmacies.

While in Ngoma District, Frank Habineza assured the people of Ngoma and other areas in the Eastern Province that, if elected, he would reinstate UNIK University (formerly INATEK), which was closed by the Ministry of Education in 2020 due to inadequate quality education. He highlighted the importance of having a local university that can provide accessible and high-quality education to the youth in the region.

Habineza promised to work towards improving the standards of education in the area, creating more opportunities for young people to pursue higher education without having to travel long distances, and making the reinstated university a public institution.

Green Party members in Ngoma District pictured during a presidential and parliamentary campaigns on June 24

"Here in Ngoma District, there used to be a university that allowed children nearby and supported those from surrounding areas. If you trust me, I promise to immediately restore that university," he said.

He reminded residents that the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda managed to achieve what they had promised Rwandans at 70 percent which includes advocating for school feeding in schools, salary increments for teachers and reduction in land tax.

He told residents that: "If you vote for the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda in the July elections, we will completely remove land taxes, which will increase ownership of land and make good use of it."

The DGPR, led by Habineza, has 50 candidates vying for parliamentary seats. The party's campaign will proceed in Kirehe District at the Nyakarambi headquarters on Tuesday, July 25, 2024.

Some of the residents in Kayonza district following Green party's Frank Habineza vision and mission. He urged them to vote for him in the upcoming elections slated July 14 to 16
While in Ngoma District, Hon. Frank Habineza assured the people of Ngoma and other areas in the Eastern Province that, if elected, he would reinstate UNIK University (formerly INATEK)