Gym: Mind your body

It’s not a secret that going to a gym is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, it is urged that before starting a fitness routine, one should consider visiting a health expert for advise.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It’s not a secret that going to a gym is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, it is urged that before starting a fitness routine, one should consider visiting a health expert for advise.

For example if one is suffering from a serious injury, there is need to be fully rehabilitated before beginning the exercise programme. So, the doctor’s diagnosis will help you understand whether the gym will not do you more harm than good.

Why going for gym?

There are a number of reasons why people go for gym and the major one is to work out their body. Because of too much calories, protein, fat and carbohydrate, we need to visit the gym more often, in order to burn fat and build better muscles.

While going for gym, you need to understand how your body works and receive tailored, bespoke information on your body very own weight management and performance enhancement zones.

Home exercises are usually not advised, because there are lots of things which can distract you. But when you go for public gym, it becomes easier for you to keep the discipline to maintain a program of regular exercise, and of course killing time.

At the gym, there are higher quality and greater variety of equipment. So, you can choose between doing your cardio workouts on a treadmill, stepper, bike, elliptical machine, rower, and others.

Jack Ngabonziza, the trainer of gym sports and manager of sports and leisure department at Novotel Hotel, Kigali, says gym is the best alternative for people to improve on their physical fitness, other than cutting-off there meals.

He says, unfortunately, some people go to the gym to work on their muscles, while others simply go there for curiosity.

This is a misconception. I often train clients with nothing more than the correctly-sized stability machines. And the equation of having to go to the gym should be a personal concern.

Aerobic exercise (often referred to as cardiovascular exercise or ‘cardio’), helps to workout for the most important muscle in your body and heart.

Also, aerobic exercise has the added benefit of burning a relatively large number of calories and, therefore, is essential to maintaining a healthy body composition. If your main goal is to burn fat, you will want aerobic exercise to be a major part of your workout.

So, do not hesitate, become one of those people who go to the gym. No matter how old you are, it is not too late. No matter how out of shape you are, it is not a lost cause.

No matter how busy you are, this is a high priority. I know that it can be intimidating, but once you get started, your life will never be the same.
