Minister commends Gahaya Links

KIGALI - Local Government Minister Protais Musoni last week hailed Gahaya Links for their vision in developing the welfare of the rural woman in the country.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Minister Protais Musoni chats with Gahaya Linksu2019 Joy Ndungutse. (Courtesy photo).

KIGALI - Local Government Minister Protais Musoni last week hailed Gahaya Links for their vision in developing the welfare of the rural woman in the country.

He especially commended the organization’s involvement with experts in improving literacy levels through teaching the women who make the now world renowned baskets, to read and write. 

"If one has to work and get rich, there is need to join cooperatives and to strive for quality products,” Musoni advised.

He revealed that in the ongoing construction of housing estates all over the country, there was special need to set up a community hall in each estate for people to gather, talk and work together.

"If we all promote working together like the women in this cooperation, without a doubt everyone will get rich. But you should also aim at saving because money comes to those who have some,” he advised.

Started in 2004 by sisters Janet Nkubana and Joy Ndungutse, Gahaya Links was last year recognized as a best exporter.

Nkubana acknowledged the tribute and promised more efforts to help women despite the shortcomings in the business. 

"We shall do more to develop the Rwandan woman but we also request the government to help set up centres in the rural areas so that women do not have to always move long distances to bring their products to the market,” Nkubana said.

The function which was held at the Gahaya Links premises was attended by various financial partners who also offered different gifts in appreciation.

Access Bank offered a cheque worth Frw 600,000 to the most exemplary woman in the association, Elena Mujawayezu, while Rwanda Development Bank (RDB) gave away bicycles.

MTN Rwanda cell gave away 200 phones with fully connected Sim cards to boost the productivity through communication provision.
