Eastern Province welcomes Liberal Party’s support to increase agro-processing factories
Monday, June 24, 2024
Party Liberal members during their second parliamentary election campaign rally on June 24 in Rwamagana District.

Liberal Party (PL), in its manifesto for parliamentary elections, pledged to boost agro-processing factories and build feeder roads for easier transport of agricultural harvest especially in Eastern Province.

ALSO READ: Liberal Party to lobby for affordable housing if voted into parliament

PL members on June 24 met Rwamagana District residents for their second parliamentary election campaign rally. The party&039;s campaign trail started on Sunday in Kigali. The party which has 54 parliamentary aspirants is backing RPF-Inkotanyi's candidate, incumbent President Paul Kagame, in the presidential race.

Its campaign trail continued to Nyagatare and Gatsibo districts in the afternoon after Rwamagana District.

"We will advocate for infrastructure in areas that still have gaps. We need more agro-processing industries, and feeder roads to ease trade among the districts, among others," said Théogène Munyangeyo, Liberal Party’s first vice president.

"Over the past 30 years, there have been tremendous achievements, including security under [Paul] Kagame's leadership. We must sustain them by electing him on July 15," he added.

Théogène Munyangeyo, Liberal Party (PL) first vice president at a campaign rally in Rwamagana on Monday, June 24. Photos by Michel Nkurunziza.

Jeanine Mukankusi, a resident of Rwamagana District, said that having more agro-processing factories will also help curb unemployment among the youth.

"When big projects in the district are initiated, our children who are completing their studies get jobs," she said.

According to the new Rwamagana Master Plan, the district seeks to become an agribusiness and logistics hub.

"In Gatsibo we have a good harvest of banana crops. Projects to add value to bananas can ensure a sustainable market for farmers and provide jobs to our community," added Aline Nyirampeta, a resident of Gatsibo District.

Liberal Party leaders also pledged to continue advocating for affordable housing for low-income earners in the City of Kigali, citing a rehousing model in Gitega that should be replicated to address unplanned settlements. The party also emphasized the need for increased efforts in job creation, particularly by encouraging more youth to embrace Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes.