Editorial: Patients’ Rights charter welcome

You probably are like, “Hey, the SundayMag is getting sombre here.” Maybe yes. You know here at SundayMag believe that only the healthy will really know what having a good time is. We wouldn’t want our readers delaying in hospital because of negligent nurses or doctors.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

You probably are like, "Hey, the SundayMag is getting sombre here.” Maybe yes. You know here at SundayMag believe that only the healthy will really know what having a good time is. We wouldn’t want our readers delaying in hospital because of negligent nurses or doctors.

Neither do we want you feeling low because of a rude hospital guard. Today, we shall bring you a sad tale of a Kigali hospital. The patients are crying foul and claiming there are cases of negligence.

On the other hand, hospital staff claim it a lack of resources while some put forward personal reasons. Now that the Patients’ Rights Charter has come into full force, hopefully we won’t have such scenarios in our health care system.

More on our SundayMag menu is the Rambling Mind on changing careers, Ingina y’Igihanga will reflect on Scavenger trucks and mysterious deaths, shall we also find out what happened to Ndoli and Shanice in Relationships? There is so much more. Just read on.
