The Touch: Trust your style

Great fashion comes from great risks. Great risks lead us to our own personal style. Style is individualistic and there is nothing you can do to change that. Finding your own personal style is a long journey. It may take some people a lifetime. It doesn’t have to take that long if only we stopped looking outside ourselves for style acknowledgement. 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Great fashion comes from great risks. Great risks lead us to our own personal style. Style is individualistic and there is nothing you can do to change that. Finding your own personal style is a long journey. It may take some people a lifetime.

It doesn’t have to take that long if only we stopped looking outside ourselves for style acknowledgement. Life is too short to go through it believing in strength and competency of others and never our own.

To deny our own fashion taste is to deny who we are. You are the best judge of what you want in your wardrobe. You have to make the ultimate choice of your personal style.

Most of my friends are into dressing up for any event and they have always pushed me to be more like them to try out skirts, flashy colours, more.

I have always stayed with what is safe, which if you ask my friends, is equivalent to shabby. Shabby or not I like the way I dress and am certain I would be lost in their heels.

In my opinion your style lies within wearing what you like to wear. If you try to wear things you don’t like wearing, those things will end up wearing you.

You don’t have to be "in fashion” to be fashionable because even trendy clothes can look really bad on some people. Sometimes the greatest style comes from simplicity.

Wear what fits your personality. If you like black and want to avoid eye blinding prints, that’s great go on and wear it. If you like to wear your jeans with sport shoes then go on and do it, to look great and feel great that’s the main ingredient for all fashion stars out there.

Fashionable is not what is on TV or in catwalks. Fashionable for you is what you feel works best with your body. Some catwalk fashion items are meant to be left there for photographers because if you try them out then you will end up looking like a scare crow.

Your friends and family love you but they will never be objective enough when it comes to what will work for you. Take advice but make the choice yourself. Your personal style might not be applauded for everyone as fashion will forever remain subject to the eye.

Be ready for people who will question your way of dressing. Remember you owe no one an explanation as to why you chose to wear what you are wearing today.