Is it right for presidents to have more than one spouse?

Last week, the Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki called for a press conference to send his strong warning to the media to stop spreading rumours that he has a secret affair with another woman. SundayMag went around the streets to gather some random views of Rwandans on this particular topic. 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Last week, the Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki called for a press conference to send his strong warning to the media to stop spreading rumours that he has a secret affair with another woman. 

SundayMag went around the streets to gather some random views of Rwandans on this particular topic. 

Laurent Munana, "It depends on the country’s constitution. For example in Rwanda, it is against the constitution for any person to have more than one wife. But if the Kenyan constitution allows it, then he can have as many as he it allows.” 

Wilson Twesigye, a third year University student, said, "It is about people’s beliefs. For example under the Muslim culture and faith; people are allowed to have more than one wife. So if the Kenyan president is a Muslim, he can go ahead but as a Christian it is not proper and I discourage it.”   

Donate Mukamana, wished well any president or person who desired to have many wives so long as he didn’t abandon his responsibilities. 

"These people have money and every thing. The only problem is when they don’t give support to their wives and children.” 

Jean Claude Mugisha, a motorcyclist, will not entertain any person in places of authority who does not live an exemplary life.

"Presidents are the fountain of honour and dignity. They should live an exemplary life and maintain a stable first family.” So, what’s your say?
