Impressions: Changing careers Part II

Last week I was taking you through the story of my life, the time when I felt that my ambitions were so challenged after revealing my future plans (to become a Driver) before my Father, his friend and my Headmaster-to be, and of course the little boy Bernard whose ambition was to be a pilot.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Last week I was taking you through the story of my life, the time when I felt that my ambitions were so challenged after revealing my future plans (to become a Driver) before my Father, his friend and my Headmaster-to be, and of course the little boy Bernard whose ambition was to be a pilot.

Well, after the embarrassment my Dad suggested that we go back home and the next day I would begin school officially. On the way home, he was assuring me how being a driver is not the only ambition out there that I could dream about.

He told me that I should start thinking of being a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer and the like; you know those professions parents wish their children could take on. I don’t remember him telling me to be a Journalist, yet he used to buy a newspaper everyday.

As I grew up, things started changing, the harder maths and physics became, the faster my ambitions to be an Architect, Engineer or Doctor diminished. Finally here I am, don’t ask me how I got here.

So, following Obama’s Book, I am now seriously refreshing my career ambitions. Guess what? Am also surprised, am no longer willing to be a mediocre. I know you heard the President recently warning that the Culture of Mediocrity won’t be accepted anymore.

So here I am, going for bigger things, next time you see something like "Edmund Kagire for President”, don’t ask because I have told you in advance. Rumour has it that those with Presidential ambitions start dreaming as early as 5, according to research.

It was also alleged that at 5, kids who later become Presidents, while playing with their mates, they are already identifying their future cabinet ministers and secretaries of state-to be.

That’s how serious the issue of Presidency is, there’s no time for innocence during childhood. Ask Obama’s friends, they will tell you how serious he used to be even at a tender age.

Currently I don’t know where this Bernard boy is but surely he must be up in the skies cruising a Boeing or something. As for me its not too late, I have embarked on ambitions to become a President (Mr.Editor, am not advertising here).

This is serious, I want to have that title ‘MR.PRESIDENT’ before I depart this planet, that is plan A. Plan B, I will die with my ambitions and surely will employ them to wherever am headed.

Too late than never, the adage goes. Am laying strategies, the least I will go for is USA, don’t shudder yet and this will be very soon.

Now, all ye who happen to know me, try your level best to impress me, because I am on the lookout for any of you that harbours serious ambitions like me and guess what?

‘Big tings ag’wan’ (Jamaican for ‘Big things are going on’). You may ask why and how? Let me answer you. Because am going to be dishing out posts here and there and for you to qualify, you need to be taking me out at least every weekend.

While we are out, we will be chatting the way forward and how we will be going about our business. Its time for you to start investing, especially you who know my phone number because this thing United by Serious Ambitions (USA) is going to be the next big thing.

I will be the President, what will you be? Now who says am not ambitious?
