The Hater: I hate people who…

…think that any place can be a toilet. The city has enough public toilets that a sensible person can use without necessarily destroying the environment. Anyway I will not say much, for I really hate these people.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

…think that any place can be a toilet.

The city has enough public toilets that a sensible person can use without necessarily destroying the environment. Anyway I will not say much, for I really hate these people.

I just have one humble prayer as the hater; I long for the day one of these fools will pour his (most of them are men) urine on one of the electricity wires that are buried below the ground!

The response from these wires will be a great lesson to all these guys and their unfortunate relatives. Only then will they get to know how much hate I have for them. I hate them to death.  

…receive phone calls and walk miles and miles away.

In a meeting it is very ok to excuse yourself and move to another place to take your call without interrupting others. I however have a big problem with these insecure people who on receiving a phone call, immediately move very far away.

These people are usually dubious and so they prefer that no one gets to hear a word they say on the phone. If I had my way, I would take such people for a boat cruise. Then I would dial their number and watch as they sheepishly try to walk away to answer the call…only to fall in the water!!

…pretend to do jobs they were never assigned.

Please do not ask me who these people are for I may hate you instead. They are often found just standing close to a taxi and they pretend to call people to board. As soon as the taxi is full, they demand to be paid for ‘bringing passengers’ to the taxi.

What kind of nonsense is this? Someone pretends to have brought me from wherever and made me board a taxi and now even demands to be paid for work they have not really done. I know where I am going so you cannot pretend to have brought me. All you fellows need to find real jobs just like I did.  

…think they can turn restaurants into personal offices.

Of course there are a few coffee shops that encourage this by even providing wireless internet to their customers. I still do not like this habit of someone entering a restaurant, asks for a soft drink, then gets his phone and starts telling people to find him at the restaurant.

Some even get their files and start making notes. Please, that is not your office. It is a public place. Get an office next time. If it’s costs you want to avoid, get a table and chair at home and turn the place into an office. Otherwise, real customers need that chair.

…dress so casually for a Monday.

Our primary school teachers laboured to inform us that Sunday was the first day of the week. As a worker, I know it is and will always be a Monday.

Now some people are trying to confuse me more that it’s a Friday or Saturday by the unserious way in which they choose to dress on a Monday.

I saw a journalist dressed in sandals, jeans and a T-shirt with the collar raised. He even wore a baseball cap. I know these days it’s ok to dress casually for office. But sandals should not be office wear at least not on a Monday.

How I wish I was your boss. No prizes for guessing what I would do. Tomorrow is a Monday, so you can look out for these misfits.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to

The Hater