Ugandan musician Ragga Dee in Kigali
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Ragga Dee during his past performance in Kigali in 2018. The Ugandan musician in Kigali to work on various music and cinema projects-File

Ugandan music star, Ragga Dee, is in Kigali to explore different music and films projects which, among of them, are with Rwandan artists.

The 56-year-old, who last performed in Kigali in 2018, said that he has music projects he thinks of working on during his stay in Kigali while he also hopes to explore more opportunities in filmmaking.

"I’m happy to be here and for the warm welcome. I’m looking forward to seeing many things in Kigali. Rwanda is my home so, I’m here to see friends and family, talk about projects and see how we can work together,” the ‘Ndigida’ hit maker said upon arrival in Kigali on Friday night, June 21.

Oyagala Cash’, ‘Ragga’, ‘Mbawe’, ‘ Monomonimove’ and ‘Mundongo’ are some of the hits made by the singer during his prime time.

Born Daniel Kazibwe, Ragga Dee is also a politician who contested for Mayor of Kampala in the 2016 general elections.

Currently, he serves as an Arts Administrator representing Art on the Private Sector Foundation Executive as well as Chairman of National Culture Forum in Uganda.

He started his music career in 1988. His music is a combination of do reggae, ragga, hip-hop, and Lingala.

He was named Ragga Artist of the Year at the Pearl of Africa Music Awards in 2004 and 2005 and won best video in 2006.

With 18 albums under his belt, Ragga Dee gained fame in the early 1990s with hits like Bamusakata and Mukwanowhile part of the Da Hommies group.