“It is our time”-Bruce Melodie vows after Kenyan Governor is filmed singing ‘Katerina’
Monday, July 20, 2020
Rwandan music star Bruce Melodie. Courtesy.

Rwandan music star Bruce Melodie is confident that his music and Rwandan music will sweep airwaves in the East African region after Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho was spotted singing one of his major hits "Katerina.”

A TikTok video of governor Joho singing "Katerina", as the song played in the background was shared by Bruce Melodie, who could not hide his joy and excitement when Joho’s compatriot Mike Sonko, the Governor of Nairobi, sent it to him.

"When the time finally comes, things work! 'Katerina' is currently trending in Kenya and Tanzania right now. Just wait and see! Here [in the video] is Mombasa Governor Mr. H.A. Joho, and it’s Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko, who sent me the video…. What a time to be a Rwandan musician!” the R&B singer posted on his Twitter account on Sunday.

The flamboyant Mombasa Governor was clearly singing the lyrics of the song. Many music lovers reacted to the singer’s post showing his support, and describing the Governor Joho’s gesture as proof that Rwandan music has a place in the hearts of the East African music audience.

Fellow singer Mike Kayihura weighed in and said that he is convinced that Katerina has what it takes to go even further.

"Indeed. What a time. The track is still wavy. Love bro,” Kayihura reacted.

Another person identified as Jean de Dieu Kwizera hailed the singer’s efforts and that Katerina is not his only song that has made it on the foreign airwaves after realizing that "Ikinya” was also admired in Nigerian media.

"You have been the best ever since. I still have a record of your [Bruce Melodie] song called "Ikinya”. I heard it is being played on Lagos FM (Nigeria) in August 2018. Keep shining and I would also advise to sing more songs in foreign languages (English and French) to attract more fans,” Kwizera commented on Bruce Melodie’s post.

Many more comments followed Bruce Melodie’s post, with the majority coming in support of the singer, encouraging him to continue doing more to make his country proud through music.

"If Rwanda Music was a nation, you would even be the flag,” one individual reacted.