Rwandan peacekeepers in CAR get UN medals for serving with ‘integrity, discipline, sacrifice’
Friday, June 21, 2024

Rwandan peacekeepers serving under the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central Africa Republic (MINUSCA) were, on Thursday, June 20, decorated with UN medals for their commendable service in peacekeeping operations in the Central African Republic.

ALSO READ: Rwandan troops embody values of peacekeeping in life-threatening situations, says UN official

The ceremony held at Bossembele, Ombera M&039;Poko Prefecture in Rwabat-2 Base Camp was presided over by MINUSCA Deputy Force Commander Maj Gen Luis Manuel Ricardo Monsanto who appreciated Rwandan peacekeepers’ contribution to maintaining peace and security in the Central African Republic.

‘‘Today we recognize your service to the mission that is important to the people of Central African Republic. It is in this regard that I thank you for your contribution to reinstating peace in your area of responsibility, the highest standard of integrity, Discipline, sacrifice and professionalism in your work especially in this priority area.’’ Maj Gen Ricardo said.

ALSO READ: Rwandan troops are dependable, brave - UN Force Commander in CAR

The Contingent Commander, Lt Col Pierre-Célestin Ruyange appreciated the support of the MINUSCA leadership, the government of CAR, and friendly contingents and thanked the men and women of Rwabat-2 for their commitment to accomplishing mandated tasks. He assured the audience that the contingent under his command is prepared and eager to uphold the United Nations flag with pride.

6,000 peacekeepers

Rwanda, a country which has worked with other countries to transform and enhance the concept of peacekeeping, is the fourth largest contributor of uniformed personnel to UN peacekeeping missions.

According to the UN, Rwanda currently deploys nearly 6,000 peacekeepers to the UN peace operations in Abyei – an area on the border between South Sudan and Sudan, the Central African Republic, Haiti, and South Sudan.

Last year, Rwanda formulated a new national action plan of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 to be executed from 2023 to 2028.