Former rebels urged on security

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — Three members of Parliament have advised a group of former FDLR rebels and other civilians who returned to the country recently from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to always work with all concerned authorities to maintain security.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


RUSIZI — Three members of Parliament have advised a group of former FDLR rebels and other civilians who returned to the country recently from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to always work with all concerned authorities to maintain security.

The three lawmakers, Emmanuel Gatera, Francis Kaboneka and Marie Rose Mureshyankwano, all members of parliament’s Security Commission, were in Rusizi to meet the returnees at the Nyagatare transit camp, last Wednesday.

Gatera who led the group, urged returnees to always work together in order to easily get integrated into the mainstream society.

"I thank all of you from DRC who are here for having made that decision to return to your country. But that’s not enough, you have to exhibit total discipline too and work with the security organs and fellow residents in promoting security in your respective home areas,” MP Gatere said.

He also urged them to encourage their colleagues whom  they left behind in the jungles of DRC’s north Kivu, to abandon the rebellion and to return home.

The returnees were also warned against perpetrating genocide ideology and any other form of ethnic divisionism.
