Biogas technology long time solution

Editor, One of the greatest problems we are facing is accessing firewood and charcoal to use for domestic purposes. We do not actually have enough forests from where we can get firewood and charcoal.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


One of the greatest problems we are facing is accessing firewood and charcoal to use for domestic purposes. We do not actually have enough forests from where we can get firewood and charcoal.

The few forests we have, were fully exhausted, which is why the government put a restriction on their exploitation.
I thus see the only alternative remaining as biogas technology.

Nonetheless, my worry is that we cannot get the technology in time enough to save us. Biogas technology in the remote peasantry life may be unpractical, at least at this time.

It is in other words, only a long time process when we need a short time one too. Let us thus push for biogas technology, while at the same time seeking for a short-term alternative.
