APR sign 13 youngsters

National football league champions APR has signed thirteen local youngsters, days after axing over seventeen players from the club. Speaking to Times Sport, the club’s Secretary General Major Alex Sabiti said that the club had finalized the signings.

Saturday, October 13, 2007
OFF TO APR: Niyonzima Haruna

National football league champions APR has signed thirteen local youngsters, days after axing over seventeen players from the club. Speaking to Times Sport, the club’s Secretary General Major Alex Sabiti said that the club had finalized the signings.

"Their transfer deals are finalized but the club has not finished with the recruitment process,” Sabiti said.

It is also said that the army-side is on the verge of signing some West Africa players. Sources close to the club have revealed that APR four Ivory Coast players, three Mali players and two Cameroonians are set to join the club before the end of this month.

It is also said that the club’s newly recruited technical director is in West Africa trying to who is talk to the above mentioned players.

The players are expected to boast APR’s squad ahead of the club’s campaign in next year’s Champions league, regional tournaments as well as national league. Meanwhile, APR’s released players are already in talks with different clubs.

Manfred Kizito, Alimansi Kadogo, Vincent Kayizi, Jean Shyaka, Andre Lomami, Yousuf Kayihura and Ahmed Luzinga are in talks with Atraco over a possible deal while Jannot Witakenge, Lema Mampuya, Tabu Ete and Honore Kabongo are reportedly trying to maneuver their way into Congolese top division.

Shaka Okello has finalized his deal with Rayon Sport while Zambian international Joseph Bwalya has returned home.
Signed youngsters: Niyonzima Haruna (Rayon Sport) , Djabir Mutarambirwa (Kiyovu) , Jean Baptista Mugiraneza (Kiyovu) , Eric Yirirwahandi (As Kigali) , Jean Marie Vianey Rukundo (Zebres) , Robert Ngunga (Jeunesse) , Jean D’amour Mpayimana (Mukura) , Eric Serugaba (Etincelles) , Peter Mukunzi (As Kigali) , Elias Uzamukunda (AS Kigali) , Fredrick Onyango Ocheng (Umurabyo) , Hegman Ngomirakiza (As Kigali) and Bamu Lenga.
