Districts launch anti-corruption week

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — Police in  Rwamagana and Kayonza districts on Monday started to sensitise motorists and cyclists on the dangers of corruption as part of the week long anti-corruption week.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


RWAMAGANA — Police in  Rwamagana and Kayonza districts on Monday started to sensitise motorists and cyclists on the dangers of corruption as part of the week long anti-corruption week.

The campaign at the Rwamagana district attracted several police officers such as the Acting Regional Police Commander (RPC), Jean Claude Kageguhakwa and the acting Rwamagana District Police Commander (DPC), Steven Gaga.

Kajeguhakwa stressed that people ought to know that corruption retards development and it should be avoided at all levels. During the campaign, car stickers bearing anti-corruption messages were given to drivers.

The motorists, when interviewed regarding the vice  said corruption went far beyond their ordinary circles and urged police to extend the campaign to recipients of bribes – including junior police personnel.

In response Steven Gaga said: "In most cases drivers do not report cases where they are asked for a bribe. We cannot deny that there are some elements among us who are corrupt, but they are normally arrested and punished by the institution.”

He added that in the past, some policemen reported drivers who made attempts to bribe them and the drivers admitted to the charges.

"So, drivers have a big role in fighting corruption, being the reason we encourage them to avoid it because it deprives them of their rights,” Gaga pointed out, stressing that residents should report those who solicit for bribes. 
