Ruhango residents accuse police, Gacaca officials

Claim officials demand bribes SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Scores of residents in Ruhago district have criticised Gacaca officials, grassroots leaders and Police for what they described as orchestrating corruption while executing their duties.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Claim officials demand bribes


RUHANGO — Scores of residents in Ruhago district have criticised Gacaca officials, grassroots leaders and Police for what they described as orchestrating corruption while executing their duties.

The residents were on Monday giving their views on corruption during the launch of the anti-corruption week, which runs from March 9 to 13 countrywide.

The residents allege that traffic police demand for bribes from drivers caught over speeding while some tax collectors solicit for the bribes during revenue collection.

They also claimed that officials in government and private institutions demand bribes during recruitment of workers. Other residents confessed to paying bribes, reportedly to speed up their services - whenever officials seem to delay the process.  

During the launch, residents, security and local leaders led by the governor Fidel Ndayisaba, held a procession through Ruhango town denouncing corruption. 

Addressing the residents, the Regional Police Commander (RPC), Chief Supt Faustin Ntirushwa, admitted that there could be some rogues in the police force but said Police have taken punitive measures against them.

Ntirushwa, disclosed that the Police force has previously nabbed 80 suspected officials and at least 70 percent of those implicated have been fired. 

The provincial leaders urged residents to work hand in hand with security officials to fight the vice and other related cases of injustice.

Ndayisaba said: "Each one should fight corruption because it is the current primary enemy to development and a friend to poverty and dear to injustice.” 

The officials explained that corruption hampers development, increases poverty, and retards service delivery in the decentralisation process.
