Tuition problems may cause exam absences

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA—With a few months to the end of semester, 139 students of Senior-5 studying at ETO-Nyamata are not certain whether they will attend their industrial training.

Friday, October 12, 2007


BUGESERA—With a few months to the end of semester, 139 students of Senior-5 studying at ETO-Nyamata are not certain whether they will attend their industrial training.

School deputy headmaster Prosper Rucyaha said on Thursday preparations for this year’s industrial training has been affected by financial constraints.

"The school has already contacted different industries in the country to accommodate the students but we are stuck. The students have failed to raise Frw5000 in insurance required for each of them from the managers,” Rucyaha said.

An acceptance letter written from Utexwa allowing 12 students of tailoring to carryout their industrial placement at the factory indicated that the insurance was part of the requirements.

He said many of their students are poor to the extent that some among them complete three years of their course without clearing their tuition. Insurance fees or caution money is paid to cater for eventualities that may occur during the course of the two-month training at the industry.

The students fall under different sections including electronics, electrical, wood work, tailoring, construction and mechanics. The volunteer head teacher Williams Abiyes said the time allocated for industrial placement was not adequate for students to master the much-needed practical skills.

He suggested that six months would be appropriate for students to come out when they are fully equipped with practical skills.

Preparations are in high gear to for the end of year national examinations at the school. But what is unique with this year is that the school is rolling out the last batch of Ordinary-level students.

Abiyes said the development will enable the school to consolidate teaching of technical skills unlike in the past when it has been doubling as a secondary and technical school.
