Heavy rains destroy 677 houses in Rusizi district

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI—Nights of heavy rains in Rubavu have seen the destruction of 677 homes in Giheke and Nkanka. Over 580 houses alone were destroyed in Giheke, the rest in Nkanka.

Friday, October 12, 2007

RUSIZI—Nights of heavy rains in Rubavu have seen the destruction of 677 homes in Giheke and Nkanka. Over 580 houses alone were destroyed in Giheke, the rest in Nkanka.

Several gardens, including banana plantations, maize plantations, and sweet potatoes gardens were also swept away by the heavy rains that lasted for over seven hours.
Other plantations were entirely submerged by the water.

The rain came with dangerous winds and thunderstorm, leaving many homes with parial or totally lost roofing. Security authorities and the district management have intervened to solve the situation though nothing much has yet been done.

Last month, 17 people lost their lives in heavy rains in Western and Northern Province.
