Community work for Genocide prisoners launched in Rwesero

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI—Community work for Genocide prisoners commonly known as TIG, was officially launched in Rwesero cell, Bukure sector this week to great optimism.

Friday, October 12, 2007


GICUMBI—Community work for Genocide prisoners commonly known as TIG, was officially launched in Rwesero cell, Bukure sector this week to great optimism.

The prisoners, comprised of 196 men and 4 women, dug terraces along Lake Muhazi to prevent soil erosion. A total of 200 hectares of the hills overlooking Lake Muhazi are to be terraced.

Gicumbi district is fourth out of five districts that make up Northern Province to officially launch community work for Genocide prisoners. The community work for Genocide prisoners started in Gicumbi district on September 17.

In his address to the prisoners, National Executive Secretary for TIG Eng. Evariste Bizimana called upon prisoners to work "willingly and complete their sentences.”
