Love and respect for parents

Do you remember being young and wanting to spend all your time with your parents? How you cried every time they left you at school? The world just did not make much sense without them around.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Do you remember being young and wanting to spend all your time with your parents? How you cried every time they left you at school? The world just did not make much sense without them around.

It is very easy to forget our parents when we grow up. Once we begin taking care of ourselves, we forget the many things our parents have done for us. It is around this time that we start to disrespect them.

We ignore them and forget how much they love us. We don’t listen when they don’t give us what we want. Parents have limits on what they can provide for us.

So this should not be a reason to disrespect them. Instead learn to understand what they can or can’t provide for you.
Do you have parents or guardians? Do you love them? Do you appreciate them?

The best way to do this is to respect and appreciate them. Whatever mistakes parents make, they are still our parents and they love us. They might not be perfect but they are there for us and that is what is important.

We should treat our parents the way we want our children to treat us in the future. Learn to listen to your parents. Talk to them about what you think and feel rather than yelling back at them.

Always be kind to your parents because most of the things they do are just for you. Therefore, the least we can do is support and love them because they are the only parents you will ever have.
