Teen’s Hype: Wasted time

Drake was the tallest and most handsome boy in class. Due to this he was proud and paid very little attention to his studies. He had a huge appetite for fun. So most of the time he wanted to please the girls by hanging around the local pubs.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Drake was the tallest and most handsome boy in class. Due to this he was proud and paid very little attention to his studies. He had a huge appetite for fun. So most of the time he wanted to please the girls by hanging around the local pubs.

This got his name listed on the school’s black list. All teachers and prefects wanted to catch him red handed but their plans were futile.

Drake’s popularity grew and his nickname ‘slippery’ always tagged along. One morning I overheard boys talking, saying Drake always pretended to be a good boy when he was at home.

Since his parent’s did not know how he misbehaved at school, they wondered why his grades had declined. Years later after university, on my way to work, I met Drake on the streets.

He was looking for a job  and was frustrated because no one wanted to hire him. He said that his university grades were so poor and this made getting a good job difficult.

Drake regretted wasting so much time at school. I felt sorry for him so I tried to encourage him. As I walked away, I noticed that his head was still low. 
