Residents get water through Ubudehe

2143 residents of Rweri cell, Gahengeri sector in Rwamagana district, Eastern Province have benefited from a water reservoir project constructed under the Ubudehe financial support program.

Monday, March 09, 2009

2143 residents of Rweri cell, Gahengeri sector in Rwamagana district, Eastern Province have benefited from a water reservoir project constructed under the Ubudehe financial support program.

A function to launch the six reservoirs was held last week, and one of the beneficiaries, Kamurasi Emmanuel told The New Times that he could not wait seeing constant supply of clean water in his home.

The reservoirs are to supply 216 homes. Residents decided to channel their ubudehe allocations to water reservoir construction after realizing that they had a problem of lack of clean water.

Under ubudehe, a government programme meant to develop several areas of the country, communities are allocated funds meant to benefit the poor people whose target is community based development projects.

"It is a great development for us. But each one of the beneficiaries has a role of ensuring proper handling of the facilities and water”, Executive Secretary of Gahengeri Sector, Innocent Kwizera pointed out. He also said that the development is a way forward for the community.

Kwizera asserted that residents should now focus on other needs as water shortage has now been sorted out. For the beneficiaries, it was a time of celebration after officially commissioning of the reservoirs.
