Expired consumable goods set ablaze

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI—District authorities set ablaze expired consumable goods worth millions of Francs recently.

Friday, October 12, 2007


GICUMBI—District authorities set ablaze expired consumable goods worth millions of Francs recently.

The goods, belonging to several retail and wholesale business operators around Byumba town, were confiscated during an operation aiming to keep good on the market updated, safe, and modern.

Affected business operators include Alimantation Ecomat Diocesain de Byumba, in which five cartons of ROYCO were confiscated and set ablaze.

At Boutique chez Muzehe, nine cartons of 250g Blue Band and twenty one cartons of toothpaste, which expired in 2006, were set on fire.

The burning exercise took place at Gacurabwenge in Byumba Sector this Tuesday.

The officer in charge of health in the district, Ange Silas Niyibizi, warned the business community against the act of poisoning the public by selling expired consumable goods.

"Those who will repeat the act shall be prosecuted in accordance with the law,” said Niyibizi.
