Arian exhibition ends

• Iranian exhibitors impressed with security The Arian trade exhibition that brought in manufacturers and traders from Iran ended yesterday.

Monday, March 09, 2009
Exhibitors were impressed with turn up and security.

• Iranian exhibitors impressed with security

The Arian trade exhibition that brought in manufacturers and traders from Iran ended yesterday.

The expo, whose exhibition duration was only 15 days, but later extended for another 14 more days, featured about 16 exhibitors.

Talking to The New Times, Arash Ashtari, the Head of Commercial Affairs, of Arian Trade and Investment Group, said that the exhibition was based on promoting trade and business between Iran and African countries.

"Our aim was promoting the spirit of trade across Africa and in Iran,” Ashtari said.

"If all goes well, we intend to come back to Rwanda with more products as soon as possible.” Commenting on Rwanda’s economic trade, Ashtari confessed that the Arian Investment Group has exhibited in many African countries, but Rwanda ranks best in terms of cooperation and security.

He added that the group came to the country to advertise their products and to help Rwandan manufacturers learn from them.

"We came to showcase our products and to help Rwandans acquire skills from us,” he explained.  The trade fair was the first of its kind in the country, and the Arian exhibitors brought in a variety of products which included: kitchen items, furniture, hardware, and jewelry among others. 

Keiven Passand, who was exhibiting frames and vases, expressed amazement in the country’s generosity and good reception towards foreign investors.

He stressed that despite the challenges faced during the recent international basketball tournaments, which were held at the same venue, they managed to sell almost all the products.

During the 31days of the expo, Rwandans had a chance to buy Iranian products exhibited at the expo, following last year’s annual trade fair, which had attracted traders from different African countries.

The just concluded exposition was officially opened by Prisca Mujawayezu, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Rwanda Private Sector Federation (PSF).

She encouraged local investors to pick a leaf from their Arian counterparts in order to improve on the quality of the local products.

The expo which opened at the Petite Stade in Kigali from February 6, was successful with many visiting its stalls after work and during the weekends.
