Medical council deregisters doctors over woman’s death

KIGALI - The two doctors from Ngarama Hospital who the police arrested last year in connection with the death of an expectant mother after a botched operation have been deregistered, The New Times has learnt.

Monday, March 09, 2009

KIGALI - The two doctors from Ngarama Hospital who the police arrested last year in connection with the death of an expectant mother after a botched operation have been deregistered, The New Times has learnt.

Members of the Rwanda Medical Council held a meeting last week and agreed to deregister Ric Kikoli and N’sapu Yamba Yamba as medical practitioners.

When contacted on Friday, Innocent Gakwaya, President of Rwanda Medical Council explained the decision against the doctors was taken basing on reports from the Ministry of Health, University Hospital and an investigation made by Medical Experts on the possible cause of the woman’s death.

"We took the decision after consulting all the stakeholders,” Gakwaya said. The level of the criminality on the side of the doctors against the pregnant mother will be determined by court.

The mother, Didacienne Bankundiye, 32, died on November 24 last year after two unsuccessful operations at Ngarama hospital, in Gatsibo District.

Earlier reports from the hospital had alleged that the doctors who operated on her were not qualified to carry out the procedure.

The doctors, Ric Kikoli, and N’sapu Yamba Yamba, reportedly handled a complicated operation with no requisite skills.

The first operation was done on November 5 and it was not successful. The second major surgery on November 7 was very bad.

Bankundiye’s condition reportedly worsened after the second operation which should have been handled by highly experienced doctors.

Sources from the hospital had earlier said that they delayed in transferring the patient to Kigali University Hospital (CHU/K) where she died hours later.

Anicet Mashauri, the third doctor survived because he did not actively participate in the operation of Bankundiye, 32. "Mashauri just helped the two the doctors,” Gakwaya further explained.

"Basing on the findings and reports received by the council, it was proved that the doctors caused serious damage on the mother and this led to her death”, he said

The Minister of Health Dr. Richard Sezibera had late last year written to police demanding an immediate investigation into the matter and those found culpable be prosecuted.

The RMC boss said that the chances of the mother surviving were high if she had been handled by experienced doctors.

"The mother spent two months in the hospital.
 The doctors never informed their superior in the hospital about the complications,” the doctor added.

Rwanda Medical Council is an independent body, responsible for registering Medical Practitioners and representing all doctors in the country.

The body also monitors the work of medical practitioners.
