Rwanda discharges eleven more coronavirus patients
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Rwanda has discharged 11 more coronavirus patients from the national treatment centres, bringing the number of recovered patients to 164 as of May 13.

According to a status update from the Ministry of Health which was released on Wednesday, May 13, out of the 866 tests carried out in 24 hours, only one tested positive, bringing the total cases registered in Rwanda to 287.

The Coronavirus curve seems flattening for the second time in Rwanda, and the number of the recovered cases has for the past the three days remained above that of active cases.

The first curve was interrupted by the figures that were raised by the increasing cases identified from the cross-border drivers, according to health officials.

The government of Rwanda in turn established as special facility at Rusumo border, where trucks are disinfected and change drivers to carry on the remaining journey to avoid new cases.

Rwanda’s lockdown measures have been eased, but government officials have decried the casual attitude adopted by some in following the directives issued by the government to slow down the spread of the disease.

The country continues to enforce restrictions on movement in a bid to halt the spread of the virus, the recent one being the registration of all the customers by hotels and restaurants to ease the Coronavirus tracing process.

At the global level, the corona disease burden stands at 4.3 million people infected and 295, 971 have died as of Wednesday.

In Africa, the confirmed cases now stand at 72,474 with 2,455 fatalities.