Local leaders decry theft in Gitarama

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — Local leaders in Gitarama town have raised complaints over the increasing theft cases in the area.

Monday, March 09, 2009


MUHANGA — Local leaders in Gitarama town have raised complaints over the increasing theft cases in the area.

For the past couple of weeks burglary cases and petty theft have reportedly escalated. 

The leaders who spoke to The New Times last week say the escalation has been a result of a security swoop targeting criminals in Kigali City-which has made them to relocate to the upcountry towns.

"There is a lot of insecurity in most of the neighbourhoods because most idlers and suspected thieves have been thrown out of Kigali City and they are causing tension in the countryside,” one local leader in Nyarucyamo cell said.

The local leaders say residents are hesitant to participate in the usual night patrols and strict measures will be taken on individual families who don’t comply.Those who fail to comply will be fined Rwf.1,000.

Reports indicate that most of the suspected thugs attack residents during the late hours of the night, and households spend sleepless nights in areas of Gahogo, Ruvumera, Nyabisindu cells and near the Muhanga Main Taxi Park. 

Residents who talked to The New Times attributed the problem of insecurity, to lack of security lights in most of the affected areas.
