Rice farmers get water dyke

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — The German Agro Action (GAA) an international development agency has inaugurated a newly constructed water dyke in Rugeramigozi within Muhanga district.

Monday, March 09, 2009


MUHANGA — The German Agro Action (GAA) an international development agency has inaugurated a newly constructed water dyke in Rugeramigozi within Muhanga district.

The dyke worth over Rwf.260m was commissioned on March 6 by Dr. Fred Goericke, the GAA country coordinator, and Abedi Ruzigana the district Vice Mayor in-charge of Economic Affairs.

It will regulate water for at least 121 hectares of marshland and feed 87 hectares of rice schemes on irrigable land.

Before the inauguration, the officials inspected the final works undertaken and lauded the construction done by Enterprise Mubiligi Paul (EMP) - the dyke contractor.

Dr. Goericke, said the dyke would serve as a major solution to the problem of lack of water faced by over 3,000 farmers cultivating in marshlands of Rugeramigozi I &II and Biriganyanya.

He said: "the water retention facilities are minimal, so the dyke is very much needed to ensure storage and to control water supply in the dry and wet seasons for the farmers.”

The dyke has a capacity to hold over 320,000 cubic litres of water.

It will be overseen and mainly used by residents grouped in a Food Security Cooperative known as KOKAR, according to Valere Nzeyimana, the supervising engineer.

GAA officials urged residents to take good care of the dyke and the environment in order to minimise the problems of water in the marshlands.

KOKAR chairman, Valens Rwagatera, noted that: "the cooperative will maintain the dyke and exploit the resource with fishing and recreation projects, intended for income generation.”

GAA has been assisting residents to transform Rugeramigozi swamp since 2000.
