FEATURED: ‘30 Days of Y’ello Care’: MTN Rwanda, Bboxx boost rural education with sustainable energy, technology
Thursday, June 13, 2024
MTN Rwanda staff in partnership with Bboxx Rwanda, installed solar panels and television screens at Groupe Scolaire Agateko in Jali Sector, Gasabo District on June 13. Craish Bahizi

As part of the ‘30 Days of Y’ello Care’ campaign, MTN Rwanda staff in partnership with Bboxx Rwanda, installed solar panels and television screens at Groupe Scolaire Agateko in Jali Sector, Gasabo District on June 13.

This initiative, themed "Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow: Education for Rural and Remote Communities”, aims to enhance educational resources and opportunities for students in rural and remote areas.

CEO of MTN Rwanda, Mapula Bodibe, expressed her delight about choosing GS Agateko specifically for this initiative. She highlighted that this year’s theme focuses on educating rural and remote communities, emphasising the positive impact they are making at GS Agateko.

CEO of MTN Rwanda, Mapula Bodibe addresses students at at Groupe Scolaire Agateko in Jali Sector, Gasabo District on June 13. All photos by Craish Bahizi

Explaining the initiative, she mentioned that it was introduced in 2007 as "21 Days of Y’ello Care”, reflecting the 21 markets (countries) MTN operated in at the time.

The campaign originally ran from June 1 to June 21, focusing on making an impact within that period. This year is particularly special as MTN celebrates its 30th anniversary, extending the campaign to 30 days to mark the journey.

Bodibe emphasised the theme, saying, "Let’s reflect on the theme ‘Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow’. This is all about the students and their future. I also want to appreciate the teachers who are truly doing something remarkable for both the students and the country.

"We were able to bring energy in a sustainable form to GS Agateko in partnership with Bboxx. Even after we leave, the school will continue to have energy, allowing the students’ learning experience to be greatly enhanced,” she added.

The initiative aims to enhance educational resources and opportunities for students in rural and remote areas.

Bodibe also highlighted another achievement which is the installation of digital screens. As an ICT company, they are committed to integrating technology into education, enhancing the teaching and learning experience at the school.

"Additionally, we are ensuring that the children receive nutritious meals, so they can be healthy, happy, and attentive, fostering an environment conducive to learning.”

Salongo Muyoboke, the school director, thanked MTN, stating, "We are grateful to MTN for choosing to bring us out of the darkness. Since the school was established, lack of light has been a big issue for both students and teachers.”

He added: "Through the partnership between MTN and Bboxx, all classrooms now have lighting both inside and outside. This improvement also benefits the school guards, who previously faced challenges in securing the premises without proper lighting. Now, they can effectively monitor the entire area.”

The initiative, themed "Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow Education for Rural and Remote Communities”.

In addition, Muyoboke appreciated MTN for installing television screens, emphasising the importance of keeping students informed about global events.

He also pointed out that these screens will greatly enhance the Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) subject, which previously faced challenges due to the lack of a smart classroom and necessary equipment.

"With the new electricity supply, we can now use the screens with HDMI connections to project lessons, significantly improving the learning experience,” he said.

John Uwizeye, Managing Director of Bboxx Rwanda, said that through this initiative, MTN has killed two birds with one stone, conserving the environment and giving back to the community.

John Uwizeye, Managing Director of Bboxx Rwanda speaks at the event

"We are glad that this initiative will impact not only the students but also the entire school community, and we are proud to be part of it.

"As you know, Rwanda aims to achieve universal access to electricity, targeting 100 per cent electrification of households. The step MTN has taken to electrify the school contributes to this national goal, bringing us closer to our target,” he added.

Alain Numa, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at MTN Rwanda, explained that the purpose of Y’ello Care is to encourage staff to give back to the community by dedicating their eight-hour workday to fieldwork, directly impacting and improving the community.

Alain Numa, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at MTN Rwanda speaks to journalists at the event

He said that they chose to start at GS Agateko because it is in Kigali, saying, "We believe in starting at home before anywhere else. It is not good to hear of schools without electricity, especially at home where we are located.”

Speaking about upcoming projects, he mentioned their plans in Gicumbi District next week, where they will be constructing a kitchen for a school that has many students but currently lacks proper facilities.

"This new kitchen will ensure the students have a suitable place for their meals to be prepared.”

CEO of MTN Rwanda, Mapula Bodibe, expressed her delight about choosing GS Agateko
Groupe Scolaire Agateko is in Jali Sector, Gasabo District on June 13. Craish Bahizi
Students and visitors in a group photo at Groupe Scolaire Agateko in Jali Sector, Gasabo District on June 13. Craish Bahizi