Relationships: are you on the same page as your mate?

We all get into different sorts of relationships. However, at one point in life, we all tend to have different interests, which are normally driven by our character.

Monday, March 09, 2009
DO you share the same interests

We all get into different sorts of relationships. However, at one point in life, we all tend to have different interests, which are normally driven by our character.

A relationship can be compared to soil placed into one’s palm. When held tightly and carefully, it will stick, but when held loosely and carelessly with an open palm, it will pass through your fingers and disappear.

Before entering into a relationship one should pause and consider exactly what they are looking for and whether they are ready for whatever comes their way.

If you are looking for someone to while away the hours but have no intention of committing in the long term, both sides of the deal should know from the outset.

Experts say that a relationship is a journey whose destination is not fixed, knowing what you are looking for in a relationship will help you as the trials of that relationship set in.

For instance, a quarrel that most couples go through, often becomes hard to reconcile. Some people think that they will lose their self-esteem, or go against their principles if they admit that they were in the wrong and apologise to the person they wronged.

Alex Kamanzi who has a long-time girlfriend says that people should understand that relationships have peaks and valleys, but the lower part of it does not necessary mean that one has failed to cope with a particular relationship.

Take time to think about what you want and what you think will make you happy. Whilst the answers are never obvious and we must all be prepared to let our hopes change and grow, a little thought could go a long way to helping you find that perfect partnership.

Jean Marie, a friend of mine recently revealed to me that he is planning to switch off his phone, pack his bags and stealthily vanish to another country.

Why? He is running away from his long-time girlfriend Karine, who is determined that by the end of this year, the two lovebirds walk down the aisle.

Karine is not to blame, because Jean Marie had promised to marry her two years ago. He had actually assured her that they would date for only one year, then officially wed and live as husband and wife, and only death, will do them part.

However, two years and five months have passed and he is not showing any plans to honour his promise. Jean Marie claims that he has not yet landed a well paying job and needs some more time, at least three years.

If Karine had known what is on her man’s mind she would have probably made is quick decision, to either call it the end, or bear with the situation. But the bad news is that, poor Karine does not have any idea about what is going on.

This story is not rare, because many of us have been hurt by our partner’s failure to respect their promises, thus making the world a bad place to live.

So be wide awake when entering into a relationship, before you hook up with a wolf in sheeps clothing.