Rusizi District executive secretary, other officials resign
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Several officials in Rusizi District have resigned following an extraordinary meeting that brought together district officials and Governor of Western province, Alphonse Munyantwari on Tuesday.

Those who resigned include Ephreim Mushimiyimana, the District Executive Secretary, and Napoleon Ntawuharuwe who has been the Director of One-Stop Centre and notary.

The district mayor, Ephrem Kayumba explained that the resignations are related to poor performance in their duties.

District executive secretaries are in charge of coordinating the planning and budgeting, resource mobilisation, and activity implementation including infrastructure projects.

They also coordinate the logistics and proper management of assets of the district.

The director of one-stop centre and notary is in charge of providing notary services in land, handle matters related to service seekers, coordinate the planning, budgeting, and implementation of activities related to land use and infrastructure.

"The resignations are based on the fact they didn’t fulfill their duties. We are closing Vision 2020 and embarking on vision 2050. They didn’t perform well and therefore they can’t continue with a new vision. They willingly submitted resignations letters which we are going to assess,” the mayor explained on Wednesday.

Other officials who resigned include Antoinette Nyirazaninka who was the Executive Secretary of Nkanka sector, Jean de Dieu Tuyishime, the Executive Secretary of Nkombo sector and Emmanuel Rukesha, the Executive Secretary of Butare sector as well as Neophite Umuhire, the notary of Rwimbogo sector.

He said that other officials will be acting to fill in the gap of those who resigned as they organise recruitment process to replace them.