Lockdown: Is it THAT bad?
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Since the first COVID-19‭ ‬case was recorded in our country in March‭, ‬we’ve all been on lockdown‭. ‬Students have been studying online‭, ‬parents working online as well‭, ‬and others just staying home with family‭, ‬or alone‭, ‬with nothing to do‭. ‬Some say it’s boring because they no longer get to see their friends‭, ‬or eat out‭, ‬and some are okay with it because they like staying indoors‭, ‬but they also miss their friends‭. ‬

It’s still a situation where the many of us want to go out but can’t‭, ‬we’re all sitting at home waiting for the end of the coronavirus‭. ‬Looking at the good side of this period‭, ‬you’ll realise that most families that never or barely hang out together before are now doing the opposite‭, ‬and I think it’s pretty great‭. ‬The biggest families are the luckiest‭, ‬we all have to admit that when there are more people‭, ‬there’s more fun‭. ‬We all miss social interaction‭, ‬I understand‭, ‬but I personally think staying home isn’t the worst because we are saving lives‭!‬

Let’s all remember to STAY home as much as we can‭, ‬KEEP a safe distance‭, ‬WASH hands often‭, ‬COVER mouth when coughing‭, ‬and CALL in case of symptoms‭!‬

Keza is a 15-year-old Grade 11‭ ‬student at Excella School‭.‬