For a nice day, try prayer

In my previous article I wrote that happiness was one’s choice. We should probably look at what causes unhappiness. It is the little incidences that upset us day by day that if not dealt with on time may culminate into disappointment and anger causing insecurity and total disarray of one’s thoughts

Sunday, March 08, 2009

In my previous article I wrote that happiness was one’s choice. We should probably look at what causes unhappiness. It is the little incidences that upset us day by day that if not dealt with on time may culminate into disappointment and anger causing insecurity and total disarray of one’s thoughts.

The Bible’s Song of Solomon (2:15) calls them ‘the little foxes that spoil the vineyards’. 

God takes our hearts and minds to be his vineyards meaning He expects some output from them but ‘the little foxes’ symbolize the things that upset us making us unproductive.

Have you ever had a bad day that ended in total disaster without really knowing the cause? Recently a friend told me that he had woken up on the wrong side of the bed and developed a bad mood.

What he meant is that he woke up feeling grumpy possibly because of the previous day’s problems, was convinced nothing would work out the whole day and so was the case.

God’s children are losing their joy as a result of disappointments, selfishness, lack of forgiveness and other things that cause insecurity and despair.

Most people’s joy is short lived because they depend entirely on their family, spouses, friends, jobs and other material things to make them happy.

Very few look on the spiritual side of things hence do not know that they are at war with Satan, who does his best to discourage and eventually destroy God’s people.

Apostle Paul warns in Ephesians 6: 12-18 that we are not involved in a physical battle but fight spiritual forces therefore we should put on God’s full armor of truth, peace, faith, salvation and prayer to withstand the enemy.

This means that we should not give in to fear, intimidation, insecurity, anger, enmity or despair caused by our surroundings but should use our spiritual weapons to counter these attacks while trying to create peace through prayer and forgiveness.

The typical reaction when one is offended is to hit back. This may injure the offender but it leaves the offended with bitterness.

Of course there’s a limit to what one can take and I am not encouraging impunity but it should be geared at correcting and reconciling both parties.

So when you wake up discouraged, fight that spirit with prayer and resolve to make the best out of the day trusting God to take you through. When someone is nasty to you, they are probably having a bad day so try to be nice.
