A day in a life of....A Barber

“I had to earn a living. Now I am a Barber,” Mais Nkomeje, starts, adding, “I have been a Barber for the last four years.” Below is his typical day: I wake up at 6a.m, shower, dress up and head to the restaurant for cold milk and chapatti as breakfast.

Saturday, March 07, 2009
Mais Nkomeje.

"I had to earn a living. Now I am a Barber,” Mais Nkomeje, starts, adding, "I have been a Barber for the last four years.” Below is his typical day:

I wake up at 6a.m, shower, dress up and head to the restaurant for cold milk and chapatti as breakfast.

Since I sleep in a backroom to my Baber Shop, by 7a.m I am usually ready to receive customers. However, during morning hours since business is usually slow, I listen to news and music.

Business gradually picks up at around mid-day. I normally have lunch at 1p.m. In the afternoons and evenings I usually get many clients.

I work until 9p.m, close and have a shower. I then quickly change to a T-shirt and a pair of shorts and join friends in a nearby bar.

I leave the bar at 10p.m in order not to miss supper at the last eating place before it closes.

By 11p.m, I am already home. I always exercise before I sleep.
