COVID-19: Dozens of faithful arrested over violating lockdown
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Security organs in Rutsiro District, Western Province have arrested at least 24 faithful for breaching the government directive banning congregating in ungazetted areas amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

The faithful, who call themselves ‘Abasoke’ – a split group from the seventh Adventist Church of Rwanda, were apprehended in a house in Ruhingo Cell, Ruhango Sector.

"They were found in a home praying for what they claim to be the ‘end of the world’ which they claim will happen soon, a belief which is not helpful as the country tries to contain the spread of coronavirus,” said the district mayor, Antoinette Ayinkamiye

She further added that, "Those who were arrested were congested in a tiny room without observing social distancing directive which was issued to curb the spread of COVID-19”.

The mayor went on to say that the suspects were taken to Rutsiro Transit Centre for rehabilitation management.

She urged residents to observe all directives that the Government initiated in a bid to contain COVID-19 pandemic by notably staying in their respective homes and leave only for farming and shopping activities.

The lockdown only exempts businesses offering essential services like selling food, healthcare service providers and banks, among others.

The safest way to curb the spread of the virus is to wash hands frequently, avoid touching one’s eyes, nose and mouth, cover the mouth while coughing, avoid handshakes and observe social distancing.

In addition, people should avoid crowded spaces and close contact with people who have a fever or cough.

In case one experiences the following symptoms; cough, fever, tiredness and difficulty breathing (severe cases), they should immediately call 114 for medical assistance.